History of the Manx Bat Group

The Manx Bat Group was formed in 1990 following the introduction of the Wildlife Act, which provided legal protection to Manx bats for the first time. The Bat Group was set up to promote the knowledge, study and welfare of bats in and around the Isle of Man and gives volunteers a vehicle through which to inform discussions about bat issues, research Manx bats and provide independent advice to the public on bat issues. The Group also records information on Manx bats, their habitats and factors that affect their conservation.

Since its formation the Bat Group has organised a regular summer programme of public bat walks, bat box making days, training events and talks to various groups about bats. One of the first events was a bat detector workshop led by off-Island experts. The group has also produced bat information leaflets and a booklet of good bat walks in the Island.

How is the bat group run?

The activities and organisation of the Manx Bat Group are managed by a volunteer committee, which is made up of the officers required by the charity’s constitution plus other people elected from the membership. Committee members and officers are elected annually at the group’s AGM, which is usually held in November or December. Any member who would like to help run the group is welcome to stand. The current officers are:

  • Chairman (Kevin Wells)
  • Treasurer (Bob Moon)
  • Secretary (Louise Samson)
  • Recorder (Nick Pinder)
  • DEFA Liaison Officer (Sophie Costain)

In practice we tend to hold open meetings where all members can contribute to discussion on the activities and management of the group.


The Manx Bat Group is a partner of the Biosphere Isle of Man Group. For more details visit UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man.

The Manx Bat Group is a founding member of the Manx Nature Alliance, an alliance of nature-based organisations and professional ecologists formed to act as an independent, united voice advocating for a thriving and resilient Isle of Man Biosphere. Further details can be found at the Manx Wildlife Trust Website.


chatty bats

What does the committee do?

  • Organises public bat walks and events.
  • Promotes the conservation of bats through educational talks and activities.
  • Arranges bat surveys of or comments on properties subject to planning applications.
  • Runs the Bat Helpline to advise on grounded and injured bats and bats in buildings.
  • Arranges for the care of injured or grounded bats by experienced bat carers.
  • Provides bat worker and bat carer training.